The Spark Project

In August, CAFAC launched the Spark Project, a weekly drop-in workshop for neighborhood youth to learn welding, casting, and blacksmithing skills. Supported by CANDO, the Spark Project is aimed at Black and Brown young people, ages 12 and up, who live or spend time near 38th & Chicago. Once trained in basic skills, Spark participants can create whatever inspires them, whether for themselves, to give as gifts, or to sell. Spark meets on Friday afternoons, from Noon to 4:30 p.m., through September 4. Snacks provided and participants receive a $25 Visa gift card each time they attend a full session!

The Spark Project will continue this fall, with a schedule to be determined as students transition back to online learning for school. Plans are underway to work with 612 Mash on the creation of a "Giving Tree" sculpture to place in George Floyd Square. Are you with a youth-serving organization in South Minneapolis, or do you know a young person who might be interested? Get in touch with us at 612-294-0400 or

Victoria Lauing